Theoretical Background

This section of the documentation contains the theoretical underpinning of the algorithms currently available as part of PyZEAL. A list of original research publications providing significantly more details can be found in the Bibliography below.


The bibliography provided below is necessarily incomplete. It can only be a starting point for anyone wanting to go deeper into the theory of the numerical calculation of divisors of meromorphic functions.

Newton Grid Algorithm

Simple Argument Algorithm

Simple Argument Newton Algorithm

Associated Polynomial Algorithm

Future Directions



Haotian Chen. On locating the zeros and poles of a meromorphic function. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 402:113796, 2022. doi:


Michael Dellnitz, Oliver Schütz, and Qinghua Zheng. Locating all the zeros of an analytic function in one complex variable. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 138():325–333, 2002.


L. M. Delves and J. N. Lyness. A Numerical Method for Locating the Zeros of an Analytic Function. Mathematics of Computation, 21(100):543–60, 1967. doi:


P. Kravanja, M. Van Barel, O. Ragos, M.N. Vrahatis, and F.A. Zafiropoulos. ZEAL: A mathematical software package for computing zeros of analytic functions. Computer Physics Communications, 124(2):212–232, 2000. doi:


Peter Kravanja and Marc Van Barel. A derivative-free algorithm for computing zeros of analytic functions. Computing, 63(1):69–91, 1999.


Peter Kravanja and Marc Van Barel. Computing the Zeros of Analytic Functions. Lecture Notes in Mathematics. Springer Berlin, Heidelberg, 1st edition, 2000. ISBN 978-3-540-67162-6.


Peter Kravanja, Marc Van Barel, and Ann Haegemans. On computing zeros and poles of meromorphic functions. Computational Methods and Function Theory 1997, pages 359–369, 1999.


J.N. Lyness and L.M. Delves. On numerical contour integration round a closed contour. Mathematics of Computation, 21(100):561–577, 1967. doi:


Reinhold Remmert and Georg Schumacher. Funktionentheorie 1. Springer-Lehrbuch. Springer Berlin, Heidelberg, 5th edition, 2002. ISBN 978-3-540-41855-9.


Xingren Ying and I Norman Katz. A reliable argument principle algorithm to find the number of zeros of an analytic function in a bounded domain. Numerische Mathematik, 53(1):143–163, 1988.